What is Leadership Ashe?
Leadership Ashe is an innovative leadership development program sponsored by the Ashe County Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Ashe Campus of Wilkes Community College. This program is designed to meet our county’s need for active participation by informed, educated citizens and local leaders. The program aims to identify potential leaders and provide them with the information and encouragement needed to spur local involvement. Graduates are challenged to apply their talents by becoming a part of community organizations, including public boards, non-profit groups, civic clubs, and the Chamber.
How is the Program Structured?
The program begins with a day-long retreat, followed by a series of eleven half-day sessions over four months. Each day includes tours of area businesses, organizations, and facilities, designed to provide insight and information about a particular community sector. In addition, the sessions feature discussions with topic area leaders who share thoughtful analysis and personal recommendations. Through rare access to a wide variety of facilities in the county, complemented by open discussions with subject matter experts, sessions are designed to augment awareness and stimulate continued interest in the community.
Attendance at all scheduled events is expected to graduate from the program, and graduates will receive continuing education credits for the course. The tuition fee includes program materials, refreshments for all sessions, and a graduation reception and diploma award. A limited number of partial scholarships are available based on need. Program sponsors supplement other costs. Please call the Chamber at (336) 846-9550 for more information.
How are Participants Selected?
Each class is open to 24 participants. Residents of Ashe Couty are encouraged to apply by completing an application that a selection committee will review. After a thorough review of all applications, participants will be selected in an effort to form a group that represents geographical, racial, occupational, and general diversity.
Want to learn more about Leadership Ashe or apply to join the next program? Call the Chamber at (336) 846-9550 or contact us here.